The real professional
The single most effective factor in behavioral change is a real, trustworthy professional planning, monitoring and supporting the client. This positive pressure, together with highly personalized training plan will get an individual far enough to see improving results and to motivate to stay on track.
FysiApp is the enabler to provide highly invidual services to numerous clients.
Need for change
Physiotherapy 2.0
The idea of FysiApp was brought up by Physiotherapists and Personal Trainers who wanted to have a real impact on their clients health behaviors outside the appointement, in their everyday life.
As professionals we know training independently is a must for rehabilitation and positive results. Making our clients commited to regular training and their assigned program is one of the hardest things and too often us professionals in physiotherapy and healthcare feel our clients are "losing grip" as soon as they leave the appointement. The few follow up meetings are just not enough to make the change happen.
FysiApp is designed to compliment and leverage the in-person sessions. It will help in transfering the training plan into everyday life in a low key manner - thus requiring less motivation to start with. Join us and let's rethink healthcare and wellbeing.
– Hanna Nevala
Physiotherapist, co-founder
Simplicity for success
starting with smarT goals
Setting the goals right is the foundation of any training program. Create meaningful, specific and measurable goals with your client to get things going.
Build up the pace
Understand your clients everyday life and routines. Plan in small pieces that fit the puzzle do not rely on motivation.
right triggers, right timing
Integrate and chain training into existing routines. Leverage mobile app feature to trigger your clients behaviors.
Motivate via feedback
Commenting your clients efforts is an easy and very efficient way to keep up the spark.
Results drive motivation
The best source for motivation is to see it works, Use FysiApp data to show the proggress being made.
Spice it up
Training should be fun. Surprise your client with new kinds of exercises and tasks to keep the process fresh!